Sunday, December 26, 2010

Important Questions | IA - 3

Text Book - Michael Folk.
Page 11 - All Key Terms are important.
Page 416 and 417 - All Key Terms are important.
Page 455 and 456 - All Key Terms are important.

Sample Questions:

1) How are the following performed in B-Tree? 10M
    Insertion, Deletion and Merging of elements.

2) Compare B-Tree, B+ Tree. 4M

3) Create a B-Tree for the following sequence: 6M
C S D T A M P I B W N G U R K E H O L J Y Q Z F X V 

(Values might change)

4) Short Notes on: (Point-wise)
Paged Binary Trees (Page 380)
B* Trees
B+ Trees
AVL Trees
Multi Level Indexing (Page - 384)

5) Properties of B- Trees (Page - 401)

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